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Delberta and Bill's Excellent Adventure in Great Britain
From Sept. 25 to Oct. 15, 2003 Delberta and I took a Rick Steve's Tour of England, Wales and Scotland. I have assembled this web site to display a few of the photos I took while we were there. As always seems to happen, some of my greatest compositions didn't turn out as well as I hoped because I tried to take them from a moving bus or in bad lighting conditions. I won't trouble you with those. These pictures represent about one third of the pictures I took (not including the many rolls Delberta took on her trusty 35mm point-and-shoot). Hopefully, these will give you a flavor of the many sights we saw. The trip was so fun and everything, including the weather, went so well that we just wanted to share a little of it with you. To keep the pictures under control I have grouped them into several packets that correspond to the area of Great Britain that we were traveling in. Click on the selections below to take you to the individual indices. Bath (Sept.25-28)
Cotswolds (Sept. 29,30) Wales (Oct. 1,2) Lakes District (Oct. 2,4) Oban, Scotland (Oct. 5,6) Edinburgh, Scotland (Oct. 7,8) York (Oct. 9,10) London (Oct. 11-15) Odds and Ends This effort is dedicated to the wonderful tour hosts (Right, Roy!) and great tour companions on our trip. Without them it wouldn't have been nearly as memorable. Hope you enjoy it, Bill Murray
Surprise, this setup is designed to work well on my computer. My screen resolution is 1280x1024 and I use version 6 of Internet Explorer. IE is configured with the automatic sizing and picture viewing menu options turned on. Just click on one of the thumbnails in the index and the picture should come up no matter what setup you have. With auto-sizing selected, the photos are automatically sized to fit in your browser window and with the menus (hold your mouse pointer on the photo to get the menus) you can download, show it full size or even print the picture directly from your browser. The pictures are generally pretty big, so they will take a while to download if you have a slow connection and if you elect to view them full size, you will be using the scroll bars a lot. After you have viewed the picture, use the back button on the browser to return to the picture index. From any of the thumbnail picture indices you can move to any other index or return to this overall index. back to top of page